Excursion destinations on the German shore

Fachwerkführung Pfullendorf

Guided tours for individual travelers Pfullendorf

Get to know the former Free Imperial City of Pfullendorf with its beautiful timber-framed houses, historic buildings and sandstone cellars on one of the public guided tours.
Markdorf at Lake Constance

Tourist information office Gehrenberg-Bodensee

vineum bodensee in Meersburg

vineum bodensee

“One of the best museums I have ever visited! A gem with a big fun factor. Every room is a sensory learning experience.” A rich and varied interactive exhibition awaits...

Birnau abbey church

Nestling among the picturesque vineyards high above the lake rises the slender pinky-white tower of the magnificent baroque church of Birnau. Walking through the gates of...
Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen | © Pfahlbaumuseum Freilichtmuseum und Forschungsinstitut

Lake Dwelling Museum Unteruhldingen

Welcome to the pile dwellings in Unteruhldingen, one of Europe’s largest and oldest open-air archaeological museums. The 23 reconstructions of pile dwellings from the...
© skywalk allgäu gemeinnützige GmbH

skywalk allgäu

Play, discover and enjoy a breathtaking view. There are plenty of adventures for young and old on 60,000 square meters. From a height of up to 40 meters, you can enjoy...
View from outside | © Photo: Hari Pulko, www.pulko.de | www.lindau.de

Inselhalle Lindau

Its location right next to Lake Constance is what makes the Inselhalle so special. Whether during a coffee break looking out over the water in the Seefoyer, or a relaxed...
Vivarium Uhldingen-Mühlhofen

Uhldingen Reptile House

Unique species of reptiles from the dessert and rain forest have a safe, new home on Lake Constance after being confiscated by customs officials worldwide ... like Henry, the...
Moorlands in the Pfrunger-Burgweiler peatlands with their nature conservation centre close to Lake Constance

Pfrunger-Burgweiler peatlands with their nature conservation centre

A visit to the Prunger-Burgweiler peatlands is a chance to switch off, take a deep breath and recharge your batteries! Listen to the lively chirping of about 210 different...