Prähistorische Pfahlbauten

Die UNESCO Fundstätten rund um den Bodensee im Überblick

UNESCO Site Nussbaumersee

Neolithic and late Bronze Age (around 800 BC) pile-dwellings. Excavations in the 1990ies and research brought interesting results about architecture, economy, environnment...

UNESCO Site Wollmatingen Langenrain

The site was discovered in 1881/82 by D. Nägeli, and shortly thereafter in 1882 he carried out the first excavations together with L. Leiner.

UNESCO Site Winkel

A large site with settlement remains from six different epochs. Noteworthy is the late Corded Ceramic settlement and evidence of an Early Bronze Age phase.
Fototafeln Hornstaad Hörnle © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Hornstaad Hörnle

In 1856/57 the site was discovered; after her the Hornstaader group was named. Extensive excavations have uncovered a cluster village, which was built between 3918 and 3902...
© Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Ehrenstein

The Ehrenstein site is located northwest of Ulm in the valley of the river Blau, south-southeast of the village Ehrenstein. Ehrenstein is one of the best preserved wetland...

UNESCO Site Vorder Au

The site was discovered in 1996 and is characterized by richly decorated Early Bronze Age pottery and numerous pile footings.
Dorfmodell der Fundstelle Weier I-III bei Thayngen, Schweiz | © Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen


Important site of the so-called Pfyn Culture with three settlement phases. The well-preserved finds provide information on settlement, craft, economy and nutrition.
UNESCO Fundstelle Siedlung Forschner © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Siedlung Forschner

The settlement Forschner lies in the middle of the southern spring song. This settlement, which is extremely easy to defend, is the only wet-preserved, fortified complex of...
Luftbild von der Fundstelle Feldbach-Ost

UNESCO Site Feldbach

This site was discovered in 1864, spanning the entire bay between Feldbach and Kempraten. Here we have unearthed four Neolithic phases of Cortaillod, Pfyn, Horgen as well as...