Prähistorische Pfahlbauten

Die UNESCO Fundstätten rund um den Bodensee im Überblick

UNESCO Site Rorenhaab

This site marks the beginnings of pile-dwelling research in the canton of Zurich. The settlement was inhabited by the Cortaillod culture to the Late Bronze Age.

UNESCO Site Wollmatingen Langenrain

The site was discovered in 1881/82 by D. Nägeli, and shortly thereafter in 1882 he carried out the first excavations together with L. Leiner.

UNESCO Site Technikum

The Obersee site was recently discovered in 1998 followed by archeologic investigations in 1999, 2006 and 2011. The 100 meter settlement is located on a shoal, surrounded by...
Fototafeln Hornstaad Hörnle © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Hornstaad Hörnle

In 1856/57 the site was discovered; after her the Hornstaader group was named. Extensive excavations have uncovered a cluster village, which was built between 3918 and 3902...

UNESCO Site Egelsee

The Neolithic site (around 3660 BC) was excavated during 1962. Several well preserved ground layers of wooden houses were found. The dwelling is well known for its fantastic...
Backschaufel aus der Fundstelle Olzreute Enzisholz © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Olzreute Enzisholz

The Olzreute Enzisholz site is a typical example of a smaller Upper Swabian silting moor settlement. The settlement layers are an exceptionally well preserved example of the...

UNESCO Site Nussbaumersee

Neolithic and late Bronze Age (around 800 BC) pile-dwellings. Excavations in the 1990ies and research brought interesting results about architecture, economy, environnment...
UNESCO Fundstelle Konstanz Hinterhausen © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Konstanz Hinterhausen

The extensive pile field and the spectrum of artifacts discovered point to a comprehensive settlement history on the north shore of Constance harbor, first discovered in...
UNESCO Fundstelle Wangen-Hinterhorn © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Wangen-Hinterhorn

The UNESCO Site Wangen-Hinterhorn was discovered in 1856 by Kaspar Löhle, councilor and small farmer from Wangen, as the first prehistoric lakeside settlement in the shallow...