Prähistorische Pfahlbauten

Die UNESCO Fundstätten rund um den Bodensee im Überblick
© Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Schreckensee

The site is located on a peninsula in the Schrecksee and contains the only comprehensive stratigraphy of Upper Swabia from the Early Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age...

UNESCO Site Große Stadt Kleiner Hafner

This is the oldest known pile construction site. Originally an island, Egolzwil was repeatedly inhabitated into the Late Bronze Age.
Wabenfoermige Einbauten schuetzen die Fundstelle vor Erosion © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Litzelstetten Krähenhorn

The station Litzelstetten-Krähenhorn represents a special settlement situation on the north bank of the peninsula Bodanrück.

UNESCO Site Egelsee

The Neolithic site (around 3660 BC) was excavated during 1962. Several well preserved ground layers of wooden houses were found. The dwelling is well known for its fantastic...

UNESCO sites Geltendorf Unfriedshausen

The Neolithic settlement of Unfriedshausen is situated in the valley of Loosbach brook and a close neighbour of the Neolithic village of Pestenacker. At Unfriedshausen...

UNESCO Site Winkel

A large site with settlement remains from six different epochs. Noteworthy is the late Corded Ceramic settlement and evidence of an Early Bronze Age phase.
Siedlungsrekonstruktion Bodman Schachen © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Bodman Schachen

The site Bodman-Schachen - today it lies in the nature reserve - was probably discovered between 1854 and 1866. The rich pile training at the end of the Überlinger Lake...

UNESCO Site Robenhausen

Artifacts from this settlement are found in major musuems around the world. To fund the excavation work and research in the 19th century, archeologist Jakob Messikommer sold...

UNESCO site Weil Pestenacker

The Neolithic settlement of Pestenacker was discovered in the course of straightening Loosbach brook in 1934. From 1988 to 1993 and 2000 to 2004 large-scale excavations were...