UNESCO World Heritage experiences

in the four-country region
Fototafeln Hornstaad Hörnle © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Hornstaad Hörnle

In 1856/57 the site was discovered; after her the Hornstaader group was named. Extensive excavations have uncovered a cluster village, which was built between 3918 and 3902...

UNESCO Site Große Stadt Kleiner Hafner

This is the oldest known pile construction site. Originally an island, Egolzwil was repeatedly inhabitated into the Late Bronze Age.
UNESCO Fundstelle Wangen-Hinterhorn © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Wangen-Hinterhorn

The UNESCO Site Wangen-Hinterhorn was discovered in 1856 by Kaspar Löhle, councilor and small farmer from Wangen, as the first prehistoric lakeside settlement in the shallow...

UNESCO Site Nussbaumersee

Neolithic and late Bronze Age (around 800 BC) pile-dwellings. Excavations in the 1990ies and research brought interesting results about architecture, economy, environnment...
Pfahlbauausstellung Dingelsdorf | © Freunde der Dingelsdorfer Pfahlbauausstellung e.V.

Stilt Construction Exhibition Dingelsdorf

Stilt construction exhibition in the local town offices with hunting, fishing, food, clothing and tool exhibits, as well as important finds from the Herbert Gieß collection.

Archaeological Window Opéra Parking Garage

A small exhibition with finds and films about the excavations in the parking garage Opéra in Zurich.

UNESCO Site Technikum

The Obersee site was recently discovered in 1998 followed by archeologic investigations in 1999, 2006 and 2011. The 100 meter settlement is located on a shoal, surrounded by...
Wabenfoermige Einbauten schuetzen die Fundstelle vor Erosion © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege | © Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

UNESCO Site Litzelstetten Krähenhorn

The station Litzelstetten-Krähenhorn represents a special settlement situation on the north bank of the peninsula Bodanrück.

UNESCO site Weil Pestenacker

The Neolithic settlement of Pestenacker was discovered in the course of straightening Loosbach brook in 1934. From 1988 to 1993 and 2000 to 2004 large-scale excavations were...