Excursions at Western Lake Constance

© MB Events & Adventures

Canoe Rental Lake Constance (4-person canoe)

Would you like to explore Lake Constance on your own and be completely flexible on your canoe tour? No problem, at our locations in Moos as well as at the beach in Iznang we...
Bodensee-Kanu-Tours am NaturFreundehaus Bodensee

Lake Constance canoe tours at the NaturFreundehaus Bodensee

The NaturFreundehaus Bodensee in Markelfingen is the ideal place for canoe tours to Mettnau, Reichenau or other interesting destinations. We will provide you with the...
Aerial photograph of Mainau Island at Lake Constance

Mainau Island

Mainau Island, the botanic garden in Lake Constance, offers nature experiences 365 days a year. The park with a palatial baroque ensemble dating back to the 18th century...
Archaeological State Museum Baden-Württemberg in Constance at Lake Constance

Archaeological State Museum Baden-Württemberg

The ALM in Constance features archaeological discoveries from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. Explore the newly curated “World of the Lake Dwellers” and the Roman...
Höhrenberg at Allensbach

A guided tour through Allensbach

“Von Gnadenglöckchen, Leidenschaften und Rechenspielen, ...” (Of bells calling for mercy, passions and number games, ...) Learn about Allenbach’s history and...
Aerial view of camping Seepark  | © Marion Kleiser GmbH

Campsite Seepark

Sailing towards Radolfzell | © MB Events & Adventures

Sailing on Lake Constance

Sparkling water, the play of the wind, the big flapping sails at full speed, nature experiences on Lake Constance and on the shore as well as the friendly community on board...
Festungsruine Hohentwiel aus der Luft

Hohentwiel Fortress ruins

Hohentwiel is one of Germany ́s largest fortress ruins and is a place of enchanted grandeur. The fortress imposing ramparts and casemates, its fallen towers and defiant...
Campsite Mainau-Litzelstetten | © MTK-Britta Frischmuth

Campsite Litzelstetten-Mainau