Allensbach at Lake Constance

Tourist information office Allensbach

Allensbach, Germany

Pictures & Videos

Current weather Western Lake Constance

highly cloudy
amount of rainfall
9.2 l/m²
hours of sunshine
the day after tomorrow

Additional information

Point of sale for the Bodensee Card PLUS

Contact address

Kultur- und Tourismusbüro Allensbach
Konstanzer Str. 12
78476 Allensbach

Tel.: +49 7533 80135
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MÜHLENWEGMUSEUM, Allensbach at Lake Constance

MühlenwegMuseum Allensbach

Businessman Fritz Mühlenweg (1898– 1961) joined Sven Hedin’s last expedition to eastern Asia in 1927 as accounting officer, and travelled through Mongolia three times before 1932. He wove his...

Höhrenberg at Allensbach

A guided tour through Allensbach

“Von Gnadenglöckchen, Leidenschaften und Rechenspielen, ...” (Of bells calling for mercy, passions and number games, ...) Learn about Allenbach’s history and peculiarities in a fun manner....

Radtour über den unbekannten Bodanrück

Moors and hidden ponds - cycle tour across the unknown Bodanrück

Close to nature - a guided cycle tour across the unknown Bodanrück with Ludwig Egenhofer. Discover the diverse landscape of the Bodanrück on a guided cycle tour from Allensbach. The tour leads...