Moorlands in the Pfrunger-Burgweiler peatlands with their nature conservation centre close to Lake Constance

Pfrunger-Burgweiler peatlands with their nature conservation centre

Wilhelmsdorf, Germany

A visit to the Prunger-Burgweiler peatlands is a chance to switch off, take a deep breath and recharge your batteries! Listen to the lively chirping of about 210 different species of bird as you saunter along the narrow paths that wind their way through the countryside. Each season is different here and fascinating in its own particular way. Experience how nature awakes, how the fog disappears and how the morning dew glistens in the sun. You’ll quickly forget the daily grind here. Open your senses to the constantly changing cultural landscape.

Pfrunger-Burgweiler peatlands

The Pfrunger-Burgweiler peatlands is the second largest continuous landscape of its kind in south-west Germany, home to a fascinating world of plants and animals. Standing directly adjacent to each other, the different habitats make this moorland so unique and special - partly through the wild and natural scenery and partly thanks to the farmland developed by people. In a small area, visitors can explore a wide range of landscapes and lifeforms.

Wilhelmsdorf nature conservation centre

The Wilhelmsdorf nature conservation centre boasts a museum exploring the history and usage of the moorland. 12,000 years of moorland history can be explored in time-lapse. The nine theme islands of the interactive exhibition offer visitors the chance to join in and experiment. In addition to the “interactive table”, a large touch-sensitive screen, the research station with its microscopes is very popular while visitors can climb aboard the “Moor Capsule” and embark on a diving excursion with Emy the terrapin, taking them on a journey through time. The exhibition is complemented by the outdoor area with the 9,000-year-old bog oak, the “glacier garden” with its boulders from the ice age weighing several tonnes, the woodland trail and the reed trail.

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Current weather The German shore of Lake Constance

amount of rainfall
15.9 l/m²
hours of sunshine
the day after tomorrow

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